Does Fasting Help with Muscle Growth?
Does Fasting Help with Muscle Growth?

Does Fasting Help with Muscle Growth?

Fasting is an energetic stress that can benefit the body in several ways. Fasting has recently gained a lot of popularity in the health and fitness world, touted for benefits beyond just weight loss. But, its impact on muscle growth is a bit more complicated…

Some research suggests a positive effect short term when combined with exercise. Keywording, when combined with exercise. If fasting isn’t paired with any type of metabolic stressor than NOTHING will be achieved. This isn’t magic, people! Fasting alone will not promote muscle growth. But lets dive a little deeper…

Why is muscle important for metabolic health?

Skeletal muscle IS linked to improved health. Muscle tissue is metabolically active, so it requires constant calories to maintain its function. More muscle mass means more calories burned. Muscle is also a primary site for glucose uptake. So, when you eat carbohydrates, your body breaks it down into sugar, and it can be used for energy or stored as glycogen. Having more muscle helps regulate blood sugar levels. Muscles also play a key role in insulin sensitivity.

Muscle Growth and Fasting

Fasting may temporarily increase growth hormone levels, which theoretically may enhance muscle protein synthesis. However, this may not significantly impact muscle growth in the long term as this process is typically pretty transient.

Intermittent fasting may be the best option for muscle preservation, as it involves periods of calorie restriction—especially when combined with targeted nutrient timing! The biggest thing is still nutrition here. If your body isn’t receiving the nutrients it needs to BUILD, then it won’t.

Fasting may have unique metabolic benefits that can help your body in a number of different ways. However, fasting alone will not help you gain muscle.


Muscle growth needs many factors present.

Resistance training, adequate protein intake, energy (calories), adequate rest and recovery, progressive overload, and hydration.

Now that is the proper environment for muscle growth.

Can I Fast and Still Gain Muscle?

Yes. But it depends. If you are doing a 3 day fast and expect to gain muscle during that time, you are going to be disappointed. However, if you do intermittent fasting regularly and properly regulate your nutrition intake (i.e., protein), then yes, you most definitely can gain muscle!

Do you practice intermittent fasting?
What are your results?

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Marissa is a licensed Occupational Therapist, certified personal trainer, and weight loss specialist living in Baltimore, MD.